Prescription medication for obesity

Weight loss is a journey. Some treatments work for some people and not for others. This is normal.

See the data

Obesity is a disease,
not a choice.

Get the tools, information, and support you need to help fight this complex disease.

Take the obesity risk test

Obesity is a disease, not a choice.

The tools, information, and support you need to help you fight this complex disease.

Do I have obesity?
A woman going for a swim and making a choice to fight this complex disease obesity

Prescription medication for obesity

Weight loss is a journey. Some treatments work for some people and not for others. This is normal.

See the data

Obesity is a disease,
not a choice.

Get the tools, information, and support you need to help fight this complex disease.

Take the obesity risk test

Obesity is a disease,
not a choice.

The tools, information, and support you need to help you fight this complex disease.

Do I have obesity?
A woman going for a swim and making a choice to fight this complex disease obesity

It’s time to end the misinformation, stigma, and shame about obesity

Obesity is

  • A global health epidemic 1
  • Caused by many factors 2
  • A treatable health condition

Obesity is not

  • Your fault
  • Caused by a lack of willpower 3
  • Something you have to manage alone

Obesity is

  • A global health epidemic 1
  • Caused by many factors 2
  • A treatable health condition

Obesity is not

  • Your fault
  • Caused by a lack of willpower 3
  • Something you have to manage alone
A body mass index (BMI) over 25 is considered overweight, and over 30 is obese.
– World Health Organization 1
Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health.
– World Health Organization 4
A body mass index (BMI) over 25 is considered overweight, and over 30 is obese.
– World Health Organization 1
Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health.
– World Health Organization 4
A body mass index (BMI) over 25 is considered overweight, 
and over 30 is obese.
– World Health Organization 1
Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health.
– World Health Organization 4
A body mass index (BMI) over 25 is considered overweight, 
and over 30 is obese.
– World Health Organization 1
Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health.
– World Health Organization 4

Calculate your BMI

Your BMI can be a useful starting measure to identify your weight classification and your obesity risk factors.







Weight classification: Overweight

Risk of related disease: Increased risk

Below 18

your bmi classification


Increased risk of comorbidity

18 - 25

your bmi classification

Normal weight

Low risk of comorbidity

25 - 30

your bmi classification


Increased risk of comorbidity

30 - 35

your bmi classification

Obese I

Moderate risk of comorbidity

35 - 40

your bmi classification

Obese II

Severe risk of comorbidity

40 - 45

your bmi classification

Obese III

Very severe comorbidity risk

For a more complete understanding of your treatment options

BMI is not relevent if you are under 18 or pregnant.

This information is designed to provide you with helpful educational information but is for information purposes only, is not medical advice, and should not be used as an alternative to speaking with your doctor. No representation is made that the information provided is current, complete, or accurate. Medtronic does not assume any responsibility for persons relying on the information provided. Be sure to discuss questions specific to your health and treatments with a healthcare professional. For more information please speak to your healthcare professional.


Obesity can increase your risk of getting other diseases5

Some conditions linked to obesity include:

What is a comorbidity?

Real Australians, real stories

Real Australians,
real stories

More patient stories

Did you know?


2 in 3 adults are overweight or obese6


$452 million

on weight services including counselling, diet foods and supplements7


Life expectancy is

2.7 years less

on average for people with obesity8

Over half of diabetes in Australia is because of excess weight4


8.6% of health expenditure

is obesity related8

Patients with obesity who contract
COVID-19 have a

113% higher risk

of being hospitalised9

Obesity myths busted

Steps in your weight loss journey


Take the risk test

Answer some simple questions about your health and medical history.


Discuss with your GP

Take these results to your next appointment and discuss your treatment options.


Find a specialist

If your GP recommends further treatment, find a suitable obesity healthcare provider near you.

Take the obesity risk test
1 World Health Organisation Obesity and Overweight Fact Sheet, 9 June 2021 Available at December 2021.

2 RACGP. Obesity prevention and management position statement 2019. Available at, accessed December 2021.

3 Dulloo, A. Explaining the failures of obesity therapy: willpower attenuation, target miscalculation or metabolic compensation?. Int J Obes36, 1418–1420 (2012).

4 Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2017. Impact of overweight and obesity as a risk factor for chronic conditions: Australian Burden of Disease Study. Available at, Accessed September 2019.

5 RACP Action to prevent obesity and reduce its impact across the life course – Evidence Review. 2018. Available at Accessed December 2019

6 Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2020) Overweight and obesity: an interactive insight., AIHW, Australian Government, accessed 15 December 2021

7 IBIS World. Weight Loss Services industry trends (2014-2019). Available at Accessed September 2019.

8 OECD The heavy burden of obesity report 2019 Available from Accessed December 2021.

9 Popkin, BM, Du, S, Green, WD, et al. Individuals with obesity and COVID-19: A global perspective on the epidemiology and biological relationships. Obesity Reviews. 2020; 21:e13128.